Malware is malicious software that entails damage or a computer system disruption. Cybercriminals create them to spread unsolicited email attachments or legitimate-looking files. Personal gains or politically motivated attacks may inform these acts.
Common malware includes botnets, spyware, Trojan, viruses, etc.
- Botnets
It entails performing tasks online by a group without the users’ permission. The main aim is to send spam messages to emails.
- Spyware
Spyware is a kind of software capable of installing itself on a computer system. It then begins to monitor your online activities without authorization. Such data gets relayed to another party who uses it for personal gains.
- Trojan Horse
A Trojan is computer software that camouflage as a game, utility, or antivirus program. When a user runs it on the system, it causes specific problems. For example, the Trojan can delete data in a hard drive or corrupt files. Most Trojans enter a system via email attachments disguised as authentic documents.
Phishing is a cybercrime that entails sending fraudulent emails to a reputable organization. The purpose is to retrieve individuals’ sensitive information, such as credit card details and passwords.
Cyber attackers design messages to trick victims into revealing information and deploy malicious software. Phishing is a sophisticated tool that mirrors a targeted website. When unsuspecting victims navigate the site, the attacker observes the operations.
As a result of its popularity, there are over twelve types of phishing.
- Angler phishing
- Clone Phishing
- Email phishing
- Evil Twin
- HTTPS phishing
- Pharming/DNS cache Poisoning
- Pop-up Phishing
- Smishing
- Spear Phishing
- Watering hole Phishing
- Whaling/CEO fraud
- Vishing
SQL Injection
SQL injection is a vector attack that executes the malicious SQL statement. It manipulates the backend database and provides access to sensitive information for control. Attackers use the vulnerability of the SQL injection to bypass application security. For example, they override authentication and authorization of a web page to retrieve details on the SQL database. The injection also helps add, delete, or modify records in the database. Information at risk includes personal data, intellectual property, trade secrets, etc.
SQL injection vulnerability affects a web application with a SQL database. So websites that use MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server suffer more from this cyber attack. The various SQL injection attacks include in-band SQLi, blind SQLi, and out-of-band SQLi.
One way to prevent SQL injection attacks is to input validation and parameterize queries. Developers need to ensure they sanitize all inputs in web or login forms. There should be no direct input of application codes. Also, the remover of suspicious, malicious code elements has a significant impact. Finally, turning off the visibility of data errors on the production site is a splendid idea.
Spamming refers to sending unsolicited messages to a large number of internet users. The goal is to advertise illegitimately or spread malware. Many businesses use it as a marketing tool to showcase their products and services. It is because spamming serves as a cheap way for commercial marketing. Spam is also called junk email.
While many see spam as unsolicited email content, it goes far beyond. Spamming is also used to send fraud emails, malicious links, malicious file attachments, etc.
Spam is harmful as it wastes bandwidth, consumes memory or hard disk space, and affects server performance. Opening a spam message could also introduce malware into the device. The downside is that spam exists everywhere and is hard to avoid. The best way to go about it is to click on links or download strange attachments. In addition, the use of anti-spam tools becomes expedient. They employ a signature base detector to block messages with malicious attachments. In addition, emails get scanned and scripts blocked for maximum protection.
At best, it is essential to guard against cyber crimes and attacks by taking specific preliminary measures. The list below gives a good proof guide to keep all devices safe and secure.
- Keep systems and software up to date
- Back up data and files
- Use endpoint protection
- Ensure total control and access to all systems
- Use different password setup for every application